Nesselaar Urban Consultancy is specialised in city marketing and urban concepts. Our motivation: positive impact by sharing urban knowledge. Alongside our consultancy work, we develop creative concepts on our own initiative. A brief overview of our activities is given below. If you have any questions, please let us know!

Specialised in city marketing


Citymar Consultancy is specialised in city marketing. We support cities (and places in general) in developing their marketing and branding strategies, including topics such as identity, positioning, and other strategic urban decisions. We also advise on the right communication approaches, partnerships and ambassador networks. We serve as a critical and creative sparring partner for strategy development. Our services include consultancy sessions, workshops, and city marketing presentations for larger groups. We have also produced a practical handbook, titled City Marketing: Strategy, Action, Organisation.


urban science, urban practice


CLOSER CITIES is an international, multiannual research project with a focus on one question: how to optimise sharing urban knowledge? Urban professionals (scientists, practitioners, private sector) exchange experiences and knowledge. But how can we improve? How can we best tackle untapped potential? A research platform, big data analysis and expert meetings produce insights. Nesselaar Urban Consultancy BV is the initiator and co-founder of CLOSER CITIES. We work on this ambitious project with Erasmus University Rotterdam and several partners.

strategic and pragmatic


City Marketing: Strategy, Action, Organisation (122 pp, €25): a practical guide to support cities in setting up an effective marketing approach, or fine-tuning an existing approach. Topics covered include: strategic city marketing decisions; identity and positioning; dealing with place marketing dilemmas; essential city branding principles; potential organisational and governance models; roles and responsibilities; partnerships; toolkits, and more. The book contains a wide range of examples and practical checklists.


Compact booklet


Cities and countries have images, and so do continents. Are we taking good care of Europe’s image? And how can cities contribute to and benefit from it? Strengthening the Image of Europe is a compact booklet produced as an initiative by Nesselaar Urban Consultancy. It is the result of our passion for Europe combined with our passion for place branding. These observations on Europe serve as the starting point a discussion on the image of the continent and how we can enhance it.

the impact of bridges on cities


Bridges are more than merely ways of getting from one place to another; they’re not just functional objects. Bridges have social impact, economic impact, and an impact on urban development, to name just a few. Bridges are indispensable chains in the urban fabric. This international conference for urban professionals (with additional activities for a broader audience) has a focus on the current and future challenges that cities face and the roles that bridges play. It is scheduled for 2021.

intergenerational sports event

Generation games

The Generation Games: an intergenerational sports event, organised by and for community.

The creative format is available to all: open source, do-it-yourself, no fee, flexible (any size is fine). The aim is positive community impact: collaboration between generations, involving all talents and skills; active lifestyles and health for all. Editions of the Generation Games have already been organised in cities such as Mumbai, Oslo, Lausanne (as part of the Olympic Week), Rotterdam, Geneva, and many others. The International Generation Games Association collaborates with international sports federations, universities and NGOs.